# cat=Fives: GoogleSearch; type=string; label=Google aplication API key (FE) apiKey = # cat=Fives: GoogleSearch; type=string; label=Google search engine CX key (FE) cx = # cat=Fives: GoogleSearch; type=string; label=LLL:EXT:wseils/Resources/Private/Language/Backend.xlf:constant.config.languagelabels availableWebsiteLanguages = # cat=Fives: GoogleSearch; type=string; label=Domain Search - First line :the domain name and the domain are separated by a , and the domains are separated by an # as in the following example -> domain name 1, domain 1# domain name 2, domain 2 siteSearchFirstLine = # cat=Fives: GoogleSearch; type=string; label=Domain Search - Title of the second line siteSearchTitleSecondLine = # cat=Fives: GoogleSearch; type=string; label=Domain Search - Second line :the domain name and the domain are separated by a , and the domains are separated by an # as in the following example -> domain name 1, domain 1# domain name 2, domain 2 siteSearchSecondLine = # cat=Fives: GoogleSearch; type=string; label=Domain Search - Title of the third line siteSearchTitleThirdLine = # cat=Fives: GoogleSearch; type=string; label=Domain Search - Third line :the domain name and the domain are separated by a , and the domains are separated by an # as in the following example -> domain name 1, domain 1# domain name 2, domain 2 siteSearchThirdLine = # cat=Fives: GoogleSearch; type=string; label=Domain Search - Title of the fourth line siteSearchTitleFourthLine = # cat=Fives: GoogleSearch; type=string; label=Domain Search - Fourth line :the domain name and the domain are separated by a , and the domains are separated by an # as in the following example -> domain name 1, domain 1# domain name 2, domain 2 siteSearchFourthLine = # cat=Fives: GoogleSearch; type=string; label=Domain Search - Title of the Fifth line siteSearchTitleFifthLine = # cat=Fives: GoogleSearch; type=string; label=Domain Search - Fifth line :the domain name and the domain are separated by a , and the domains are separated by an # as in the following example -> domain name 1, domain 1# domain name 2, domain 2 siteSearchFifthLine = # cat=AWS; type=string; label=Configuation globale AWS:région|clé d'accès|clé secret|domaine|clé distribution,région|clé d'accès|clé secret|domaine|clé distribution awsConfig = # cat=GoogleCache; type=string; label=Chemin du fichier JSON de clé de compte de service jsonKeyFilePath = # cat=MAP; type=string; label=ID Map Folder mapFolder =